What Are Fuel Pump Safety Tips?

Safety of Fuel Pump is one major thing to be taken into account for ensuring performance and handling of the vehicle regarding fuel supply and for avoiding potentially dangerous situations. Probably, the most important tip in safety can be maintaining appropriate fuel levels. Operating the vehicle with less than a quarter tank of fuel may result in overheating of the Fuel Pump, since the fuel in the tank manages to cool the pump. Overheating could reduce the life expectancy of the pump up to 25%, leading to costly repairs besides causing problems during stalled driving.
Other critical safety includes the routine inspection of the fuel system, inclusive of the Fuel Pump and fuel lines. The checking for wear marks such as cracks or corrosion averts fuel leaks that are quite serious fire hazards. Indeed, the National Fire Protection Association estimated that fuel leaks accounted for approximately 2% of vehicle fires. The early detection of wear and tear on the Fuel Pump can avoid these risks.

Other important strategy in ensuring Fuel Pump safety includes regular replacement of fuel filters. A clogged fuel filter forces the Fuel Pump to work extra hard, hence making it more susceptible to failure. The replacing distance range, which is between 30,000 to 50,000 miles, depends on the make and model of one’s car; hence, most manufacturers recommend so. This new filter costs in the range of $50 to $100, relatively cheaper compared to the cost of replacing a damaged Fuel Pump due to filter neglect, estimated at between $400 and $800.

Whenever any maintenance or repairs are done, pressure in the fuel system should be relieved first before disconnecting anything. Fuel systems operate under high, normally between 30 to 80 psi pressurized conditions, and failure to depres-surize the fuel system may present risks of fuel spraying dangerous and messy especially if it is not handled appropriately. The set procedure by the manufacturer for the safe relief of pressure in the fuel system should always be followed.

The wiring of the Fuel Pump system must be checked regularly, to ensure that it is whole and free from corrosion. Deteriorated wiring could lead to electrical shorts, and subsequent ignition of fuel vapors. According to Ford, in the 2016 recall, defective wiring in the Fuel Pump system might even create a fire hazard. Electrical connections being secure and intact would avoid such dangerous situations.

As Warren Buffett once said, “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” Following proper safety protocols for Fuel Pump maintenance and inspection helps reduce the risk of fire, breakdowns, and costly repairs.

For more information on Fuel Pump safety and maintenance, visit Fuel Pump.

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