5 thoughts on “What are the target customers of hypertension detector?”

  1. The target customers of hypertension detectors are generally the elderly who are prone to high blood pressure. Then the second group must be those who drink. The third group must be those who are very fat. Generally speaking, these people are mainly these people. These three types of people are prone to hypertension, so high blood pressure detectors need to be said to be high blood pressure. What is the blood pressure at any time?

  2. The main target customers are middle -aged and elderly people and patients with hypertension, because there are many patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such people, and they must monitor their blood pressure.

  3. The target customer of the hypertension detector is a crowd who suspects that he has blood pressure, the middle -aged and elderly people who are drunk, the people who are interested in the changes in their blood pressure values ​​and so on. These are the target customers of high blood pressure detector.

  4. It is definitely a patient with hypertension, because patients with hypertension themselves need to test their blood pressure on a regular basis.

  5. I personally think that once the target user is a middle -aged and elderly person, but now many young people have high blood pressure in their 30s. It can be said that the increase in full -name levels has caused lower age of high blood pressure. I think the target users of high blood pressure detection instruments can now achieve nationalization.

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