1 thought on “How to say what the guests come to the catering”
1. When the guest enters the restaurant, the consultant should take the initiative to ask the guests enthusiastically, “Mr./Miss, Hello! Welcome to come, how many of you?” When the guest answered, he asked, “May I ask the surname of Mr./Miss? “ 2. After bringing the guests to the seat, pull the chair to sit (and ask the gesture). He handed the recipes to the guests with both hands and said, “Mr. **, this is our menu card.” Then he asked the guest: “Hello, what kind of tea do you drink? After the guests choose the tea, they should inform the waiters of the table ordered by the guests. Requirements: Kyrgyer language, keep smiling, so that guests have a particularly respected feeling. Quickly informed the guest’s surname to the waiter who asked the chair to ask the tea, as well as the leader of the region, the minister, and wrote the name on the vegetable card. 3. The waiter stood up in the post in charge, greeted the guests with a smile, and assisted the consultant to arrange for the guests to take a seat, bowed a little, “Mr./Miss, hello, welcome to come!” 4. First pull the chair where the woman is sitting. When she sat down, she slowly put the chair close to the dining table and said, “Sir/Miss, please sit” and ask the gesture to understand the guests’ surnames from the consultant.
1. When the guest enters the restaurant, the consultant should take the initiative to ask the guests enthusiastically, “Mr./Miss, Hello! Welcome to come, how many of you?” When the guest answered, he asked, “May I ask the surname of Mr./Miss? “
2. After bringing the guests to the seat, pull the chair to sit (and ask the gesture). He handed the recipes to the guests with both hands and said, “Mr. **, this is our menu card.” Then he asked the guest: “Hello, what kind of tea do you drink? After the guests choose the tea, they should inform the waiters of the table ordered by the guests.
Requirements: Kyrgyer language, keep smiling, so that guests have a particularly respected feeling. Quickly informed the guest’s surname to the waiter who asked the chair to ask the tea, as well as the leader of the region, the minister, and wrote the name on the vegetable card.
3. The waiter stood up in the post in charge, greeted the guests with a smile, and assisted the consultant to arrange for the guests to take a seat, bowed a little, “Mr./Miss, hello, welcome to come!”
4. First pull the chair where the woman is sitting. When she sat down, she slowly put the chair close to the dining table and said, “Sir/Miss, please sit” and ask the gesture to understand the guests’ surnames from the consultant.