1 thought on “Pygoon breeding WeChat group I want to join”

  1. Pyrano, commonly known as grasshopper, grows and reproduce in the inland freshwater waters. It is a traditional Chinese special medicinal aquatic animal. Its dry products are marked with Chinese medicine. Essence In recent years, the newly discovered leech preparation has special effects in preventing and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and anticancer. Therefore, the development of leech farming has good market prospects and economic benefits.
    The lesling is a creature that has been domesticated by humans. At present, there are the physiological functions of wild leeches such as leech, Philippines, and other wild leslas. Biomas to obtain the production of biological products such as the body and medicinal materials of the lequale. It is a very important link for human exchange between humans and nature. Pyrano farming is a new agricultural thing, and it is also an important way to develop Chinese medicine.

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