1 thought on “Which category of wire registered trademarks?”
The wire is the 6th category of trademark classification. has registered 14,4305 trademarks. How to choose other small categories when registering: 1. There are 3072 trademarks in the category of registration (hardware appliance, group number: 0609), and the registration share is 2.13% 2. Select registration. (Steel wire, group number: 0605) There are 2,800 trademarks in the category, with a registration share of 1.94% 3. Select the registration (nail, group number: 0607) Category has 2484 % 4. There are 1988 trademarks in the category of registration (metal wire, group number: 0605), and the registration share is 1.38% 5. Select registration (ordinary metal line, group number: 0605) There are 1728 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio is 1.2% 6. Select the registered (steel pipe, group number: 0602) trademarks with 1,588 categories, and the registration share is 1.1% 7. Hardware appliances, group number: 0607) Category has 1,542 trademarks, and the registration ratio reaches 1.07% 8. Select the registration (hardware appliance, group number: 0608). 1.07% 9. Selecting registered (ordinary metal art, group number: 0622) Category has 1,393 trademarks, and the registration share is 0.97% 10. Select registration (metal building material, group number: group number: group number: 0603) There are 1384 trademarks in the category, with a registration share of 0.96%
The wire is the 6th category of trademark classification.
has registered 14,4305 trademarks.
How to choose other small categories when registering:
1. There are 3072 trademarks in the category of registration (hardware appliance, group number: 0609), and the registration share is 2.13%
2. Select registration. (Steel wire, group number: 0605) There are 2,800 trademarks in the category, with a registration share of 1.94%
3. Select the registration (nail, group number: 0607) Category has 2484 %
4. There are 1988 trademarks in the category of registration (metal wire, group number: 0605), and the registration share is 1.38%
5. Select registration (ordinary metal line, group number: 0605) There are 1728 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio is 1.2%
6. Select the registered (steel pipe, group number: 0602) trademarks with 1,588 categories, and the registration share is 1.1%
7. Hardware appliances, group number: 0607) Category has 1,542 trademarks, and the registration ratio reaches 1.07%
8. Select the registration (hardware appliance, group number: 0608). 1.07%
9. Selecting registered (ordinary metal art, group number: 0622) Category has 1,393 trademarks, and the registration share is 0.97%
10. Select registration (metal building material, group number: group number: group number: 0603) There are 1384 trademarks in the category, with a registration share of 0.96%