4 thoughts on “How about employment prospects for wires and cables?”

  1. First: good or not, whether you learn well or not, whether you are employment or not, you can rely on your professionalism enough.
    : There are many types of products in the wires and cable industry, and the scope of application is very wide. It involves industries such as power, construction, communication, manufacturing, etc., which is closely related to various departments of the national economy. The wires and cables are also known as the “arteries” and “nerves” of the national economy. They are the basic equipment that transports electrical energy, transmits information and manufacture various motors, instruments, and instruments to realize the indispensable electromagnetic energy conversion. The necessary basic products in society. In particular, the huge needs of rapid development of countries like China, infrastructure construction, and supporting facilities are self -evident. At present, my country ’s electricity use of rural and mountains in remote areas attaches great importance to development, including urban construction updates and employment problems.

  2. Electric wire and cable manufacturing technology is a major set up in colleges and universities. In order to cultivate the operation of the first -line equipment operation, production process preparation and management of electric wire and cable production enterprises in order to cultivate the needs of socialist motherland and meet the needs of the socialist market economy. High -quality skill -type special talents with comprehensive development of morality, wisdom, body, and beauty of control and other work.
    The graduates of this major are mainly facing wires and cable manufacturing enterprises, mainly engaged in professional positions such as wire and cable production operation, wire and cable processing process, quality inspection and quality control, wire and cable design, wire and cable production equipment maintenance.

  3. This major is okay, but the amount of electric wires and cable products in the market is basically saturated. There are all from low -end to high -end wire and cable materials. In the future, wire and cables are still in flame retardant, heat -resistant, insulation, and shielding negatives for functional breakthroughs in functional breakthroughs.

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